Orig. posted November 21, 2003
I want you to turn with me to Isaiah, the 61st Chapter, and I want to take maybe a different twist on it tonight…”For the prize that was set before Him, He endured the shame and the pain of the stake”.
He did love us, but that’s not the reason He went to the stake. The reason He went to the stake was because His Father sent Him–required it of Him. And the reason He went to the stake, according to the Scriptures, was the prize that was set before Him; a mighty prize. He had to be obedient to The Father. But let me say this to you: there was a time, there was a time when even Yahshua had a struggle with doing The Father’s Will. There was a time that came where He was going to have to pay the ultimate sacrifice. And He cried in the Garden, He prayed, and He cried, and sweat fell off of Him as great drops of blood. And He cried, “Father! If it be possible, spare me this cup.” (You know–Is there any way I can get out of this?) “Howbeit, Your Will be done.”You see, (blank in tape) Continue reading →