Archive for Sermons – Page 8

Strong Winds Blowing

Many years ago when I was studying to get my pilot’s license, there was many things I had to learn about the nature of flying an airplane. The first thing I had to understand was how to get it off the ground. The next thing was to be able to control the plane speed and level flight + or – fifty feet while in the air. This was not as easy a chore as you would imagine; I had to learn about such things as yaw and pitch. Pitch is the up and down position of the nose of the plane to a straight and level imaginary line. The position of the noise left or right of an imaginary straight line is yaw. There are three factors that you must to be aware of at all times, yaw, pitch and speed. Once you leave the ground in an airplane you become a part of the elements and unless corrected for the plane moves left or right depending on the direction of the wind. If you don’t make corrections for the wind you could be miles off course and not even be able to see your destination. You could fly right by it and not know that you missed it. Another factor in keeping the plane on the proper heading is magnetic north and true north. Each longitude has a correction for the magnetic north you read on the compass and that has to be figured correctly to be able to stay on course You might say why are you talking about flying a plane I have no interest in flying an airplane. Well, the truth is our spiritual life is much like the airplane there are many outside forces that are trying to move you off the course you desire to follow. And in this book I have treated each one of these forces as a wind trying to blow your airplane off course. Of course, your airplane is your life and the direction you want it to go. There are many forces out there trying to blow your aircraft off course and you don’t stand a chance of reaching the desired goal without making allowances and corrections for each one of these forces. Continue reading →

The Rapture

It is so good to hear from you. Yes we do believe in the catching up or gathering together, what the church calls the “rapture”.

However I do not believe the same way the traditional church believes. The traditional doctrine is only 200 years old and originated with a woman named Margaret McDonald from Glasgow, Scotland. There are many Scriptures in the Bible that speak of this event but none put the time frame on it that the traditional church does. Matt 24:29-31 NKJV sets the sequence of the catching up or gathering together to Him for us.

We are told in “Matt 24:29 NKJV “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” The further ref in the Gospels are (Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-28) as follows. Continue reading →

A Storm Is Coming

There is a storm coming and no one wants to talk about it; especially those who are in charge of making you feel good each 1st day (Sunday). The traditional Pastors of the traditional Church have been trained in their method of delivery and the subjects that are acceptable. They are trained to stay away from controversial subject matters and words that may be a little to abrupt.

Lets say you are in the middle of a hard battle. You ask the battalion leader “how’s the battle going“, the leader may tell you the battle is won even though the enemy out numbers you, has just received reinforcements and received a new supply of ammunition. Your leader has deceived you because you’re told the “enemy is ready to give up don’t worry“. After hearing this you relax somewhat and therefore you don’t prepare for the next onslaught of the enemy to try to overrun your position.

The perversion of the truth was comforting and reassuring at the time, but left you unprepared for the coming battle. Now if there is a place that is not good to be it is at a gun fight with only a pocket knife in your possession. If you have the wrong weapon for the time you are facing then you are unprepared for the battle you are about to experience and probably will not survive. Continue reading →

The Passover & First Fruits

Wow was it a wonderful Passover Seder. The Ruach HaKadesh was precious. We could feel the anointing at the outset of the Seder. The Father was in complete control of the Passover and the time spent before Him was inspiring. He also used so many people during that time. It was so awesome I believe the Father reminded each one of us in a special way what is the meaning of Passover. Passover is about remembering the compassion, the mercy and the great measure of grace the Father has shown to humanity by delivering them from their destructions.

First there was the deliverance of Israel from the hard hand of Pharaoh and the hard life of forced labor and serving a tyrant. You say how does that effect me? I was never a slave in Egypt, I never had to do forced labor in my life. Why should I celebrate the Passover? I am not Jewish and don’t want to practice Jewish rituals. Never mind the fact that I have been adopted into the Jewish family thru the blood of Yahshua, by Father Yahveh. We can ignore the fact that I was delivered from the slavery of sin, the most cruel of taskmasters and set free to serve Yahveh.
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Why Not Passover

Of all the holidays we celebrate why not Passover? To the Christian this is the most important holiday We could possibly celebrate. As a matter of fact it is not a Holiday but a Holy Day set apart by Almighty Yahveh. We are commanded to keep it forever. The church has failed to obey this command; mainly because they have been taught a lie or even possibly the lie.Ever since the council of Nicea there has been such an effort in the church to separate itself from anything that might seem Jewish. The problem is: they seem to forget that the Hebrews did not just dream these commands up out of their imagination but were commanded to keep these commands forever. Continue reading →