Crying Out to the Wrong gods

For many years we have been crying out to the wrong gods and wondering why there is no answer. There are many names in this Country but I only answer to My name and not another’s name. The reason for this is I want to respond to those who are calling out to me, and not everybody that is calling out. Our sovereign reacts similarly, He does not answer to any name but to those who call on His name who cry out for His help.Ps “116:13-14 NKJV I will take up the cup of salvation, And call upon the name of the LORD.(Yahveh)14 I will pay my vows to the LORD (Yahveh) Now in the presence of all His people.” The first Commandment tells us that Father Yahveh our Sovereign is a jealous Sovereign and that we are to have no other sovereigns before Him. That does not mean in preference to him but rather it means not to have them in His presence. We are not told that there is deliverance in any name we want to call on, but there is deliverance in the name of Yahveh.

I brought this to the attention of a minister some time back ask him how do you think the Father feels about us calling him by pagan names and the name of pagan gods. His response to me was “we are so far removed from those times that I don’t think the Father minds do you”? My reply was swift and without hesitation, Yes sir I sure do believe He minds and further more I believe those references are an abomination to Father Yahveh. There is a problem with our way of thinking, concerning Father Yahveh. We talk to or in some cases we talk at Him, without being as aware of His presence as we would someone sitting in front of us. It is obvious when we displease the person sitting in front of us by the expressions on their face, if not by their words. Except in rare cases we try not to to be offensive in our conversations with people.

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Law or Lawless

We are in a period of history like the world has never seen. There has never been a time when parent’s hands have been so tied as they are today. The government’s child protection agencies have so many regulations concerning the way parents can discipline their children that parents are becoming increasingly paranoid about correcting their very own kids! There is always a fear that some one will perceive the correction as abuse and report them to the authorities; if that were to happen there could be a danger of parents losing their child and the child being placed into state custody.

In this scenario, you as a parent would have no say over his child’s destiny. This condition can cause parents to operate in the fear of losing their child and consequently, the result could lead to very little discipline in children’s lives. As it is today, children are raised with very few or no absolutes in their lives already. There seems to be no law they absolutely have to obey. Whether this is a result of parents failing to discipline the children or a result of fearing governments interference, or just parents with no discipline in their own lives; what ever the cause, we do know this; the result is a lawless generation – a generation that is being infected with the spirit of the antichrist. Read More →

Hear the spirit

“Hear what the spirit is saying”; what an astounding statement! Yet I fear the statement has lost a great deal of its original impact. On many occasions we have heard the instruction given by Yahshua (Jesus) terribly misused. From childhood through adulthood, I have heard ministers use this statement to add impact to a declaration just made. The intention was to give validity to what the audience had just heard him speak, with the hope of persuading them to believe and accept his viewpoint as the Gospel. Read More →

The Perversion

Col 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Messiah.

This solemn warning was given by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Colossians. This was sound advice then and it is even more critical that we take heed to what he was saying today. Obviously Paul was addressing this letter to the members of the church of Colosse specifically and not to the lost person in particular. The very contents of the statement in Col.2:8 make it clear, that he is referring to them as fruit that is good and acceptable. If they were in a worthless or deteriorated state they would not have been in danger of being spoiled; they would have been spoiled already. Read More →

Winds of Seduction

There are so many diverse currents of wind that blow through our lives and through the ecclesia (church). All of them have a goal to accomplish, either divine in purpose or evil. There is a wind that started blowing shortly after the birth of the ecclesia. This wind is much different than the winds we have talked about previously. The effects of this wind’s destructive power is visible both short and long term.

Paul encountered resistance from the breeze of seduction as soon as he started establishing the ecclesia of Yahveh. This is made obvious in the letter to the Galatians;

Gal 3:1 NKJV O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched (fascinated) you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? Paul was saying who has distracted you from the true Gospel? Who has seduced you to leave what you knew to be truth and follow after another?

As stated in a previous paragraph this wind is much different than the ones we discussed in the first two chapters of this book. The winds of seduction are very gentle, and many times soothing to the flesh. The horrible truth about these winds is just because they feel good does not mean they are good. Read More →