
Stay Focused

December 26, 2007

I do praise Yahveh, I love Him, and I love what He is doing!  I want you to turn with me to Matthew, the 16th chapter; we’re going to start reading at the 26th verse.  Have you ever been driving down the road and missed your turn?  What was the reason you missed the turn?  Sometimes mothers with children are distracted by their children, right?  Sometimes, we’re just “asleep at the wheel”–not really sleeping, but we just didn’t know where we were.  Well, I want you to kind of hold onto that thought.

“For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?  Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?  For the Son of man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels and He will reward each one according to his works.”And I want you to hear that — how is He going to reward you?  According to your works–that’s right!  Today, I want to talk about the distractions.  There are so many distractions in this world that get us looking off, not paying attention, and first thing we know we missed the turn!  We didn’t intend to miss it, but we missed the turn!   Continue reading →

Search The Scriptures

December 26, 2007

Some of us were sharing earlier this morning, and I want to share with you some things that came up then. You know, the problems in a marriage would be gone if we would live in holiness. The problems that we run into and encounter every day may not be gone, but they would be overcome if we would live in holiness, because, believe me, the answers are in the Word of Yahveh. He created this earth and nothing on it has caught Him by surprise, so therefore every situation, every obstacle that is in this Earth–He has made a way to get around it. The Word says, “Let no man say he is tempted by Yahveh.” But if he is tempted, when he is tempted, know that there is a way made for him to escape that temptation, and we need to understand that– there is a way made for us to escape every temptation that comes upon us. Now, the matter is whether we are going to take the time to look through the Word, and take the time to get with The Father to find out what is the answer to that temptation.

I want you to turn with me this morning to John 5:38, and we’re going to be reading through to the 44th verse. And Yahshua is talking to the Pharisees and the Sadducees here, and He tells them something very plainly. Now you have to understand that this is supposedly the religious, most holy group of the community. These are the people who spend the most time in the Scriptures, so I say to you this morning that it’s not a matter of how much time you spend in the Scriptures–it’s with what heart you approach them, and how much of it you put to work in your life. Continue reading →